Adapted from

Time is our most precious commodity, yet we frequently spend it frivolously. If you were allotted $24 at the beginning of every day and told you had to use the money to buy time throughout your day at a rate of one dollar per hour, how would you spend it? Eight dollars for eight good hours of sleep seems like a bargain. Because of the necessity, another $8 for eight hours of work would begrudgingly be forked over. As the money dwindled, however, it would get harder to cough up a few bucks for things like getting lost in YouTube videos and scrolling Instagram. Yet, that is where our precious extra-time often goes.

What if you knew that just 10 cents a day could buy you amazing health benefits like:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Enhanced memory
  • Enhanced immunity system
  • Stress resilience
  • Decreases in muscle tension
  • Strengthened impulse control
  • Anti-inflammatory effects

The aforementioned are just a few of the positive side-effects that result from a practice of merely 10 minutes of meditation a day. From a cost-benefit analysis, meditation is a no-brainer. Since it distracts us from the never-ending monkey chatter in our heads, the source of all our stress, it gives the term no-brainer a whole new meaning.

Meditation can Transform your Perception

A few years ago, I started a 10-minute meditation practice based on gratitude. I focused on listing the things I was most grateful for in my morning mantra. I’d sit on my meditation pillow and speak aloud everything I was most grateful for.

Each week I’d explore the relationships- people related or topic-related- I was most concerned with.

For instance, in the first week, I expressed gratitude for the people I love. Every day I’d choose one person and state aloud the qualities I most admired about this person and my fondest memories.

The following week, I tackled time. I’d speak aloud that I had all the time in the world and what that afforded me. These were all aspirational statements and after speaking this aloud, I was able to tap into this energy when I felt hurried.

Meditation pivoted my perception and so we wanted to share a few that might help you with yours.

Jacky Dubail,

Insight Timer

I chose this app as #1 because the discovery phase and the sign up were stress-free without being nudged for a credit card. With a series of videos and talks presented by celebrity speakers, this app strives to tackle a lot of the stressors we have in our lives. Registration is free and you can listen to several of these talks on the site without interruption.


A huge hit during the 2020 covid crisis and US election series, Calm provides meditations based on your personal preferences. Through a series of questions, Calm establishes a ‘proposed’ meditation plan for you. With just 10 minutes a day, you can change your livelihood.


Headspace’s model is hinged on centralizing information to educate consumers on more mindful eating, ways to improve commutes, and develops coping mechanisms based on educating the consumer.

Explore meditation app options so you can carry this practice with you. Just 10 minutes a day can truly impact your mental wellness and set the tone for the day